(Latest Revision: Sat May 4 17:13 PDT 2013 ) hints.txt


  /* ******************************************** */
  /*                     GETDATA                  */
  /* ******************************************** */
       The purpose of function getData is to
           + read from the input file whose name is stored in: fname,
           + copy the values in the file into the array called: data, and
           + set the parameter numSlotsUsed equal to the number of
             items copied into the array.
       (Function getData copies the first item in the file, if one
       exists, into data[0], copies the second item into data[1], and
       so on.)

       Function getData handles the following exceptional situations:
           + input file cannot be opened,
           + input file is empty, and
           + input file contains more elements than the value of arraySize.

       In those situations, function getData prints an error message and
       terminates execution of the program (exits). 

       What code do we need to implement function getData?

       Declare an input stream.  There's a filename stored in the char array
       fname.  Connect the stream to the file. (in the code, include an
       error-check for failure to open the file) (See example in
       Declare an int index variable for keeping track of which array slot gets
       the next value from the file.  Also declare another int variable to use as
       the 'buffer'.  Each time the program reads an integer from the file, it
       will copy it (first) into the buffer. 
       Suppose that the name of the input file stream is f_in.
       Then code like
       int nextDatum ;
       while (f_in >> nextDatum)  ;
       would read through the file to the end.  Something like this code:
       int nextDatum ;
       while (f_in >> nextDatum) cout << nextDatum << endl ;
       would read through the file AND write each of the values read from the
       file to the screen.
       If you want the code to put each element of the file into an array as it
       reads them, and if the name of the array happens to be my_array, then you
       could write the code like this:
       int nextDatum ;
       int arrayIndex = 0 ;
       while (f_in >> nextDatum)
           my_array[arrayIndex] = nextDatum ;
           arrayIndex++ ;
       However that way of putting numbers into the array would cause a problem
       if the file happens to contain more integers than there are slots in the
       array.  The code above would continue to read through the entire (too
       big) file, and (this is the bad part) try to put integers into
       non-existent array locations - locations with indexes greater than the
       maximum array index.  That could cause other variables in the program to
       be overwritten with values intended for the array, which could lead to
       incorrect behavior of the program
       However if we modify the first line in the loop body above, so that the
       assignment statement line is executed only if the arrayIndex is
       less than the size of the array, then the code will not try to put data
       in non-existent array locations, but it will still read to the end of
       the file and count the number of integers in the file.  (Notice that
       arrayIndex will equal the number of integers in the file after the loop
       finishes executing.)
       Once the function has a variable equal to the number of items in the
       file, it can execute some if-else statements that cause the program to
       exit if the file is empty, or if the file contains too many items.  On
       the other hand, if the number of items in the file is OK, then the
       function could use this variable to give the parameter numSlotsUsed the
       value it is supposed to have.
void getData (int data[ ], const char fname[ ], 
                int arraySize, int & numSlotsUsed)

  /* ******************************************** */
  /*                    SHOWDATA                  */
  /* ******************************************** */
       The purpose of function showData is to print some text to the screen,
       followed by the values of array items data[0] through
       data[numSlotUsed-1].  Function showData prints array values in a field
       width of 3.  It prints ten values to a line, except it may print fewer
       values on the last line.  Function showData prints the values as a
       comma-separated list.  In particular, function showData prints a comma
       right after each value, except the last one.  It prints a period right
       after the last value.  Between every pair of successive items on a
       line, it prints a blank space right after the comma.

       See the file terminalSession.html for examples illustrating the
       remaining rules for formatting the output of function showData.

       On page 377 of the text, lines 21-22 are an example of outputting the
       values in an array to the screen.
       There's an example of code that writes a comma separated list of
       numbers here:
       You can use the setw() manipulator to write numbers right justified in
       a 3-character field.  Read about it on page 325 of your text book.
       Concerning the problem of printing 10 numbers per line, you can test
       your loop counter % 10 to decide whether to output an endl or newline
void showData (int data[ ], int numSlotsUsed)
  /* ******************************************** */
  /*                     FINDMIN                  */
  /* ******************************************** */
       The purpose of function findMin is to set parameter minValue equal to
       the minimum of the values in the data array between index positions 0
       and numSlotsUsed-1 (inclusive), and also to set parameter minPos equal
       to the smallest array index between 0 and numSlotsUsed-1 such that
       data[minPos] is equal to the minimum value.


       Look on page 414, on lines 58-65 of the program code, to see an example
       of how to find the minimum of an array of numbers.  The "start_index"
       for findMin should just be 0.  
void findMin (int data[ ], int & minValue, int & minPos, int numSlotsUsed ) 
  /* ******************************************** */
  /*                     FINDMAX                  */
  /* ******************************************** */
       The purpose of function findMax is to set parameter maxValue equal to
       the maximum of the values in the data array between index positions 0
       and numSlotsUsed-1 (inclusive), and also to set parameter maxPos equal
       to the smallest array index between 0 and numSlotsUsed-1 such that
       data[maxPos] is equal to the maximum value.

       Look on page 414, on lines 58-65 of the program code, to see an example
       of how to find the minimum of an array of numbers.  The job of finding
       the maximum is very similar.  The "start_index" for findMax should just
       be 0.
void findMax (int data[ ], int & maxValue, int & maxPos, int numSlotsUsed )
  /* ******************************************** */
  /*                     AVERAGE                  */
  /* ******************************************** */
       The purpose of function average is return the average of the values
       data[0] through data[numSlotsUsed-1].  The average is the sum of
       data[0] through data[numSlotsUsed-1], divided by numSlotsUsed.


       On page 407 of the text, there is an example (lines 46-52) of
       function code that computes the average of the values in an array.
double average (int data[ ], int numSlotsUsed )
  /* ******************************************** */
  /*                  STNDRDDEV                   */
  /* ******************************************** */
       The purpose of function stndrdDev is to return the population
       standard deviation of the values data[0] through
       data[numSlotsUsed-1].  To see how to calculate the population
       standard deviation, consider terms of this form:

       ( data[k] - average ).

       The parameter called average is assumed to be the average of the
       values data[0] through data[numSlotsUsed-1].  If we sum the
       squares of each of the terms shown above, then divide the
       result by numSlotsUsed, and finally take the square root of the
       result, that final value is the population standard deviation.
       See this web page for a formula written out in mathematical
       notation and then explained one small step at a time:


       (However of course you must adjust for the fact that N items in
       a C++ array are numbered starting at 0 and ending with N-1,
       whereas in the explanation on the web page the authors assumed
       that there are N items numbered starting with item 1 and ending
       with item N.)

       The code for computing the standard deviation can be a lot like the
       code for computing the average.  One computes the square root of an
       average of some terms.  Each individual term is a "square difference."
       The difference is the difference between the array value and the
       average -- in other words you average all terms of the form:
       You average all terms like that, where the index k ranges from 0 to
double stndrdDev (double average, int data[ ], int numSlotsUsed )